Sarah Kanetzke

Owner, Eyelash Expert

 Sarah Kanetzke, Xtreme Lashes, Lashdip and Novalash Certified 
A UNC Chapel Hill and Aveda Institute graduate, Sarah Kanetzke began her career in the beauty industry in 1996. In 2007, she acquired training in the application of semi-permanent eyelash extensions from one of the top two most prestigious companies in the world. XtremeLashes,® an organization which provides the most advanced techniques and products, requires their Eyelash Extensionists receive a comprehensive education and adhere to strict guidelines. XtremeLashes® requires certification through a process of skills assessment, before listing Extensionists on their website, or allowing the purchase of their supplies. In 2010, Sarah obtained instruction from the creators of LashDip, a new eyelash enhancement formulated to take the place of mascara. She has found it to be a useful tool as an additional offering to eyelash extensions, especially as a solution for lower lashes. To further develop her skills, Sarah attended Novalash training in 2012. As the biggest competitor to XtremeLashes, Sarah felt it was important to understand the philosophy and techniques recognized by both world-reknowned organizations. From a natural lash enhancement to a glamorous look, to "celebrity-like" drama, whatever your preference, Sarah will provide it meticulously and artistically. Sarah's experience and attention to detail gives clients a feeling of security and trust that she will safely and beautifully provide you with the eyelashes you desire.
Sarah Kanetzke
Owner, Eyelash Expert
Lashing Impression



1911 Falls Valley Drive Suite 11
Raleigh NC 27615
Raleigh, North Carolina
United States

Areas of Expertise:
Semi Permanent Eyelash Extensions
Skin Care
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