Alan Joshua


 Alan Joshua (pen name) is a practicing Clinical Psychologist. This led to his involvement with Psychology and research into Parapsychology. The Shiva syndrome is his debut fiction novel, is a sci-fi thriller. 
Alan Joshua (pen name) is a practicing Clinical Psychologist with a background in Forensic Psychology. He has published many nonfiction journal articles.
The Shiva syndrome, his debut fiction novel, is a science fiction/paranormal mystery and thriller.
Always curious about the unknowns of human experience, he is fascinated with creativity and paranormal abilities. This led to his involvement with Psychology and research into Parapsychology.
He has explored paranormal abilities and reincarnation using hypnosis and in-depth interviewing of a wide range of practitioners.
The Shiva Syndrome incorporates his knowledge of Parapsychology and experiences with healers, intuitives, “psychic” sensitives, etc.
Unsurprisingly, he is a science fiction fan. He has been influenced by Asimov, Bradbury, Crichton, Heinlein, Serling, and Phillip Dick.
As an avid Trekkie, he is fond of contradicting Gene Roddenberry: “Roddenberry dealt with science and morality (e.g., the Prime Directive”), but avoided matters of religion and spirit. “I believe that that human consciousness and its potentials, not space, are ‘the final frontier.’”
Alan Joshua
Alan Joshua



United States
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