Ed Robertson


 Ed Robertson, PT began working on the design for Badger Braces over a decade ago. He has been a Physical Therapist for nearly 25 years working primarily in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine. 
Ed Robertson, PT began working on the design for Badger Braces over a decade ago. He has been a Physical Therapist for nearly 25 years working primarily in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine. He has taught Biomechanics and Analysis of Human Movement at Washington State University for many years. He has served as a clinical instructor for Athletic Training students for 15 years as well.
As a Physical Therapist, he knows ankle sprains are the single most common sports injury and that approximately 2 million ankle sprains occur each year in the United States.
Ed Robertson
Badger Braces, LLC


502 Steptoe Street
United States

Areas of Expertise:
Physical Therapy
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