Paul Cartwright


 Ex-chicken farmer and agricultural economist turned sustainable animal agriculture pioneer farming black Soldier Fly larvae for domestic chickens in the UK. Founder of ECOinsect/ECOnourish. 
Paul Cartwright
Paul’s roots are deeply embedded in the teeming cluck of a Zambian chicken farm, where his affinity for poultry was born. Although he stepped away from commercial chicken farming, the love for these feathered friends remained a strong family bond, with each member nurturing their own pet chickens around the globe. Including Paul and his family, who have a flock of four hens in their Buckinghamshire garden.

As a seasoned agricultural economist, Paul commands a profound understanding of the multifaceted nature of the agricultural industry. His robust insight into economic dynamics, coupled with a singular dedication to sustainable practices, unwittingly set the stage for his leap into the groundbreaking world of Black Soldier Fly larvae farming.

Intrigued by the forward-thinking fusion of innovative research and sustainable techniques, Paul found a new purpose — to redefine the landscape of animal feed. This innovative arena offered a path to contribute to an environmentally responsible and economically viable farming method, paving a dynamic, impact-driven, and future-oriented trajectory for his career.

This shift of focus led to the birth of ECOinsect, a bold first step, in nurturing his newfound passion. Not long after, ECOnourish evolved — a venture bred from his enduring love for chickens and ambition to teleport sustainable agriculture from vast farms to the cosy backyards of domestic poultry owners.
Paul Cartwright



128 Cherry Tree Road
Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire

Areas of Expertise:
Black Soldier Fly
Eco Agriculture
Poultry Nutrition
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