Gina Anderson-Cloud
Lead Pastor
“ Rev. Gina Anderson-Cloud is the lead pastor of Floris UMC/Restoration Church. A spirited preacher, teacher, and visionary leader, Gina has a passion for connecting people to a life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church. ”
Gina is an ordained elder who holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Radford University, a master’s degree in gerontology with a specialty in administration and clinical psychology from The Medical College of Virginia at Virginia Commonwealth University, and a Master of Divinity degree from The Candler School of Theology at Emory University. She was a member of Phi Kappa Phi, Psi Chi, Omicron Delta Kappa, and Theta Phi. Additionally, she was a dean’s scholar, gerontology “student of the year,” a Pitts’ Scholar at Candler, and she received the John D. and Alice Slay Award for Academic Performance and Promise in Pastoral Ministry.
Gina has served as pastor of small, mid-size and large congregations, including starting a new congregation as a church planter. She’s known for work in church revitalization, outreach, and growth. Gina has led local and international mission teams and advocated for matters of social justice throughout her life. She has an entrepreneurial and creative way of engaging the church, which makes fruitful disciples of Jesus Christ. Currently, Gina serves on the Virginia Conference Committee on Episcopacy, the VA Conference Large Church Workgroup, and as a mentor for local pastors and provisional ordination candidates. Previously, she’s served on the Conference Common Table, as chairperson of The Children’s Initiative Committee, as chair of the District Board of Ministry, as district clergy president, and on various boards and agencies that serve in mission and ministry.
Before entering ministry, Gina had a successful career in gerontology serving as a social worker, advocate, legislative policy analyst, and consultant with state and local agencies serving older adults. She received a Robert Wood Johnson fellowship in long-term care from The University of Minnesota and served on several national and statewide task forces aimed at improving quality of care and services to vulnerable populations.