Jennifer Hancock


 Jennifer is the author of several best selling books and the founder of Humanist Learning Systems. 
Jennifer is considered one of the top writers and speakers in the Humanist world today. Focusing on critical thinking, personal ethics and personal responsibility, Jennifer’s “dynamic” and “captivating” presentations will leave you “a good deal better informed and always inspired.”

By sharing her pragmatic Humanist approach, Jennifer has transformed the lives of those who have been touched by her work. She is one of the few individuals in America who was raised as a Humanist and she brings her delightful sense of humor, creativity, and compassion combined with a no-nonsense approach to all of her work and her coaching. She will help you focus on what really matters in your life and will teach you the practical skills you need to live your life the way you know you should be: ethically, compassionately and responsibly.

Books by Jennifer Hancock:
The Humanist Approach to Happiness: Practical Wisdom
Jen Hancock’s Handy Humanism Handbook
The Bully Vaccine
The Humanist Approach to Grief and Grieving

Courses taught by Jennifer Hancock
Workplace Bullying for HR professionals
Living Made Simpler
An Introduction to Humanism
Ending Harassment and Retaliation in the Workplace
Why is Change so Hard?
Humanist Group Leadership Lessons
Sexual harassment training that works – general
Sexual harassment training that works – AB 1825
Stop Bullying in our Workplace – Staff Training
No Fear Act training
Jennifer Hancock
Humanist Learning Systems


PO Box 256
Bradenton, Florida
United States

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