Anita Bellamy
Plus Models
“ " It is my aim to change the misconceptions’ around plus size models and people." ”

Hi there my name is Anita Bellamy I am 44 years old. I am a plus size model, actress and vocalist. I have also taken on the role of plus size ambassador for Models of Diversity. I joined just over a year ago and I am campaigning for all plus size and super plus size like myself. It is my aim to change the misconceptions’ around plus size models and people. Growing up in my teens I wasn’t always confident, as being a voluptuous girl wasn’t accepted at all, with the fashion designers being force to change their attitudes in the industry people are no longer going to going to be silenced . I am a size 24 I am very proud of my curves I have been modelling from since 2006 and I work a lot with designers for plus size retail specialists. Model of Diversity has given me even more of a reason to bring curvy men and women into the main stream. Running the curvaceous site at M.O.D allows me to advocate for plus size and really find out what people want. So come and take a look at the campaign