Mary Ellen Popkin

Life Insurance Agent & Recruiter

 Mary Ellen Popkin is a WAHM currently hiring Life Insurance Agents for National Agent Alliance. Mary Ellen has years of experience in Sales, Network Marketing and uses these skills to help fund raise for various charities. 
Mary Ellen Popkin is currently Recruiting for National Agent Alliance. The company does Mortgage Insurance, Life Insurance and Annuities. She is located in the
El Paso, Texas Area but actively recruits Life Insurance Agents from NY, NJ, NM, TX, FL but is expanding into other states.
Prior to recruiting for NAA she was a Founding Member of ITV Venture. It was a start up business and she was in the top 5% of the company in recruiting and sales.
After graduating Marymount College with a BA she was Self Employed at a Competitive Figure Skating Coach for approximately 10 years. She left this career to raise her children but is now full time with NAA.

Mary Ellen Popkin is also a published author of a self help book "Anxiety Disorder Workbook" This book was inspired by the tragic still birth of her daughter Yvonne in Nov 2000. She started a support group due to her constant anxiety attacks and as she discovered techniques that worked for her she taught them to others in her support group.

Mary Ellen Popkin also volunteers her expertise in networking to help charities fund raise. Currently she is the Assistant Special Event Coordinator for Wells Bring Hope.
Mary Ellen Popkin
Life Insurance Agent & Recruiter
Mentor With Mary Ellen Popkin



United States

Areas of Expertise:
Insurance Sales
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