Mickey Russell
“ Mickey is the founder and CEO of SkyFunder.com, an aerospace and aviation crowdfunding website. ”
Quick facts
Has served as chairman of the board since 2011
Prior to co-founding SkyFunder.com, formed Elite World Flights
Holds a Bachelors of Science degree
Holds Commercial Pilots License, Instrument, CFI, CFII and CFII ratings.
In 1980 Mickey finished his recording and producer degree at Full Sail University. He work at several recording studios and was one of the first record producers to use 3M's digital recording medium. After several years in the music and video industry Mickey fell in love with aviation and left the industry.
In the mid 1980's to early 1990's Mickey work in the US and Europe as a consultant for several US and other foreign government agencies and NGO's.
In 1994 Mickey graduated from Metropolitan State College of Denver with a degree in Aerospace Science and was hired by the college one week later to continue the work he had begun on some of the school's program.
In 1996 Mickey helped Pete Conrad (Apollo 12 astronaut) set a speed record flying around the world in a Lear Jet.
Articles and live news spots about about these and other aviation accomplishments were published in several magazines, newspapers and through TV news coverage. These include the Dallas Morning News, Denver Post, Rocky Mountain News, LA Times, The New York Daily News, ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, CNN and General Aviation News Magazine and Aviation Week and Space Technology.
Mickeys specific aircraft qualifications and training Include:
Diamond Star DA-40 (Factory Trained Flight Instructor Course)
Diamond Star DA-42 Twin Star
Cessna 150/152, 172, 172RG, 177, 177RG, 182, 182RG, 185, 210, 310 and 340
Beechcraft, Sierra, Sundowner, Duchess BE76/Travelair BE95, Baron 55/58P, King Air
Mitsubishi MU-2
Mooney (all models)
Grumman AA5B Tiger and AA5A Cheetah
Piper Warrior, Archer, Lance, Apache, Geronimo, Aztec, Seminole and Navajo
DC-10-30, B-757, B-727 Airliner
Mickey formed SkyFunder.com in 2011 and after 3 years of development - launched SkyFunder.com in September 2014. He also formed Elite World Flights in 2012