Delora Alyce Domain

Owner & Operator

 Ms. Domain earned a BS in Biochemistry from Trinity University and a MS in Biomedical Sciences from the UT Graduate School for Biomedical Science. She worked in Oncology Research before switching careers and opening The Aesthetic Domain Boutique. 
Delora Alyce Domain. She was born and raised in Houston, Texas, the youngest daughter of Charles and Eunice Domain. She has one older sister. She earned a BS in Biochemistry from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas and a MS in Biomedical Sciences from The UT Graduate School for Biomedical Science in Houston. She worked in Patient-Based Biological Research before switching careers and opening her own fashion boutique, The Aesthetic Domain. In addition to fashion apparel and accessories, she sells her own original jewelry creations and runs the Boutique & Blog website, which is based in Houston, Texas. Ms. Domain also has avid interests in inspirational music, creative writing, art/entertainment, and history.

Ms. Domain also a long-time lover of creative fiction. She learned to read with Dr. Seuss, grew up reading Sweet Valley High, James Howe, and Lois Duncan, and graduated to category romance with Harlequin and Silhouette in her teen years. Ms. Domain started out writing fan-fiction after her favorite fictional characters met with death and cancellation on network television. Inspired by the entertaining, multi-layered storylines created by so many female romance, young adult and television writers, she began to experiment with her own characters. Coupled with her own unique brand of genre-bending romantic fiction, Ms. Domain was able to create a whole new world within the pages of her books. She writes romantic fiction under the name D. Alyce Domain.
Delora Alyce Domain
Owner & Operator
The Aesthetic Domain Boutique


10910 Katy Fwy #187
Houston, Texas
United States
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