Colleen Erickson
Appointment Coordinator
“ Ms. Colleen Erickson joined YourAreaCode in 2010 as part of it's pilot telemarketing program. Ms Erickson was so successful that the program was converted into a full time position. ”
Ms. Colleen Erickson joined YourAreaCode in 2010 as part of it's pilot telemarketing program. Ms Erickson was so successful that the program was converted into a full time position.
YourAreaCode is a marketing and advertising company selling monthly service packages designed to provide businesses with the tools necessary to market themselves in a digital economy and a constantly evolving technical environment. Our company focuses but doesn’t limit itself on a technology called “Wexting™”, which allows our clients to simultaneously update their entire web presence through custom designed Web Widgets (a portable chunk of code that can be installed and executed within any separate HTML-based web page by an end user without requiring additional compilation and draw on Internet data-bases to display the information so a web-browser does not need to be used) and send text messages to from one convenient and easy-to-use digital interface. YourAreaCode’s niche offering is that it provides the technology and the marketing tools (Websites, widgets, promotional materials, viral marketing through social networking, messaging, training, support and more) through a single source. The company’s unique and comprehensive offerings set it apart from the competition.