Raquel Miller


 Chair I Founder I CEO I Award Winning International Keynote Speaker. 
Raquel Miller is the visionary founder of Bunchful, a platform that honors and celebrates giving. Her journey began in a Jamaican farming town, where she learned the values of generosity and community from her grandmother and later through her father. Their acts of kindness and compassion inspired her to share abundance with others and create a sense of purpose and belonging. Raquel moved to New York and launched Bunchful, a platform that connects givers and receivers across the world. She coined the term “bunchful” to describe the spirit of generosity that drives her mission. She believes that by honoring and supporting givers, we can make a positive impact and improve lives worldwide.
Raquel Miller
Bunchful, Inc.


224 W. 35th Street
Suite 500 PMB 224
New York City, New York
United States
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