Sofia Santiago, MBA, PMP

Speaker, Best-Selling Author, VIP Coach

(Communication, Leadership, Racial Relations)

 Sofia Santiago is a best-selling author with 25+ years experience as a bilingual motivational and educational speaker, international award-winning trainer, business consultant and VIP coach. Her passion is helping people work and lead multicultural teams. 
Sofia Santiago, MBA, PMP is the best-selling author of Difficult Conversations Just for Women: Kill the Anxiety. Get What You Want. (co-authored with Dr. Susan Harrison).

Sofia holds a B.S. is in computer science and cybernetics engineering and a certificate in human resources. Her MBA is in marketing, and she is currently pursuing graduate degrees in intercultural communication and in instructional design. She is certified by the PMI as a Project Management Professional and by Microsoft as an Office Specialist Excel Expert. In that capacity she has published two technical how-to books: Excel Can Talk? Excel Is Female? 50+ Secrets of Microsoft Excel You Wouldn’t Have Thought of Googling and Seducing Excel: Amazing Features of Microsoft Excel That Men Wish Women Had Too.

Sofia has 15+ years experience as president of a successful training corporation. She specializes in helping women communicate for results, become more likable, and be outstanding leaders. Her mission is to help people develop their intercultural competency, and to empower and educate U.S. Hispanics to be successfully bicultural.

She has trained employees of Microsoft, Sonic, Johnson & Johnson, Nestle Purina, Kraft Foods, Dollar General, Wells Fargo, and many other organizations.
Sofia Santiago, MBA, PMP
Speaker, Best-Selling Author, VIP Coach
(Communication, Leadership, Racial Relations)
The WikiWomen Academy



Overland Park, Kansas
United States

Areas of Expertise:
Racial Relations
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