Gino Sesto


 With nearly two decades of experience in media and music/entertainment, Gino is the founder and Head of Media at DASH TWO. 
With nearly two decades of experience in media and music/entertainment, Gino is the founder and Head of Media at DASH TWO. He began his career at Sony Music, working on marketing and co-op with record merchandisers. He soon discovered his passion for working with vendors and negotiating media deals on their behalf. After earning his stripes in the agency world, Gino finally opened the doors of his own boutique shop. DASH TWO was born out of Gino's desire to assist his colleagues at record labels to execute media plans that not only got better results, but were more affordable and transparent than what they were used to. It worked. And word spread. Today, at the helm of the growing online department at DASH TWO, Gino is constantly refining the science of media buying and discovering new ways to deliver campaigns effectively and efficiently for all of our clients. When he's not behind his desk, Gino is busy pursuing his second passion in the skies above Los Angeles. Gino is not just an aviation enthusiast — he's a certified instructor who teaches students to fly single engine aircraft. Check him out on Instagram or Twitter, via #hiphoppilot.
Gino Sesto



United States

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