Joseph Y Naghdi
Senior Computer Forensics Consultant
Computer Forensics Lab
“ Joseph has been working as senior a forensic computing analyst in Computer Forensics Lab since its inception in 2005. He has conducted and led many investigations into various civil and criminal cases on behalf of private or corporate clients in the UK. ”
Joseph specialises in computer forensics assisting solicitors, police, legal case workers and other investigators in establishing facts and providing evidence by recovering, examining, inspecting, sifting and organising computer data stored on hard drives locally or on a remote network. He is responsible to capture digital evidence and organise and present it in an approved format usable in any judicial review, tribunal or court of law in the UK.
He has taken part in many computer forensic seminars and workshops as guest speaker and trainer and has contributed in writing manuals on best professional practices for Computer Forensic Lab investigators. Since 2008, he has represented various clients as a computer expert witness in numerous court cases in London.
As a former BBC journalist until 1999, Joseph used to produce news and current affairs programs in BBC World Service based in Bush House, London. He used to manage a team of 5-6 journalists, assistant producers involved in producing. editing and presenting news and current affairs with a primary focus on Iran and the Middle East. In February 1999, Joseph was asked to join a consultation team commissioned to devise and suggest the best digital format to present the news online in what later became known BBC News Online.
Joseph has a Master's degree in Computer Science and speaks fluent Persian and Arabic in addition to English, his primary language.