Jenny Randolph

Lead Director

 Proud to be the Lead Director of Water and Stone Church. 
Jenny has always been a teacher. When she was still in high school she spent a summer teaching basic music to elementary aged kids. She and Dieter homeschooled their two children, Miles and Raina. As a result, Raina started college courses at the age of 13, and Miles at 15. The kids are all grown up now, and usually have something new to teach their parents.

Jenny grew up on a Wyoming ranch, surrounded by horses, chickens, rabbits, cats, dogs and even a few horny toads as her pets. It was here that she learned to love all animals and has been a vegetarian for more than 20 years. She also learned the value of hard work and the joy of making things with her own hands. She does this in the kitchen by making her own bread, canning fruits and veggies and serving up some awesome vegetarian comfort food. Outside the kitchen there are always home repairs, upgrades, or art projects going on at the Randolphs’ place. Jenny’s been creating and running spiritual retreats for more than a decade. She is fiercely independent and doesn’t believe there’s anything that can’t be learned or fixed with a little moxie and hard work. She is here to live a fully awake and passionate life and hopes she can help you do the same.
Jenny Randolph
Lead Director
Water and Stone Church


St. Petersburg, Florida
United States
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