Peter Festus Egan Jr
Director of Online Marketing and Public Relations
Information Technology
“ Peter Egan Jr is the developer who created the EGAN Home Health & Hospice website. He manages/maintains the site, posts all updates and handles all internet-based marketing and public relations. Peter has a BA from Tulane University in Public Relations. ”
Peter Egan Jr. has a long history of success in online marketing, as well as a history of being an extremely effective political campaign operative.
Peter worked for (former Louisiana Governor) Bobby Jindal in 2004 when Jindal was elected to Congress in Louisiana's First District. It was Jindal's first successful campaign.
Peter served on U.S. Senator David Vitter's 2010 reelection campaign, a job that saw Egan responsible for nearly 1/3 of the state's grassroots activities. Vitter was reelected against a then-sitting Congressman by a whopping 19 points, with his best performances coming from areas in which Peter was in charge.
Peter was asked to go to Washington by both Jindal and Vittter, and respectfully declined both offers in order to stay home and help build his family's business, EGAN Home Health and Hospice. While he has been contacted by several high-profile elected officials in the tine since about working as a campaign aide (and in one case campaign manager), his only work in politics following the 2010 race was to help his father win election to the Louisiana State Republican Executive Committee.
He has developed wildly successful websites for both his father's business, EGAN Home Health and Hospice (the website is ); as well as his mother's Primary Care, Wellness and Anti-Aging Clinic. Her website at one point garnered over 1,000,000 unique visitors per year and made her a national celebrity within her respective field. Hundreds if not thousands of other doctors and nurse practitioners have copied her business model since she was named Louisiana Nurse Practitioner of the Year over a decade ago for her innovative (and successful) approach to medicine. Her website is . The site contains some of her most famous health articles as well as general clinic information, appointment hours, contact info, etc.
In 2011, Peter took over a failing chain of retail medical equipment stores his father owned, taking on all of the businesses' assets as well as its liabilities. It was losing so much money, he was seen as a fool for accepting the offer, and his father seen as cold-blooded for allowing his son to accept such an offer.
Peter started by closing all but one store and laying off all staff. He hired his own assistant to help him manage the lone remaining storefront. While the assistant ran the store, Peter was building an online store, which debuted in either late April or early May of 2011. By that time in 2012, the online store was bringing in five times the sales that the physical store was, and Peter had effectively reduced overhead by approximately 450% while increasing revenue by roughly the same percent.
Peter was then able to close down the last remaining store, taking the business online-only, and removing what little overhead was left.
He went on to have a banner year in 2013 and the first half of 2014, before personal/family issues forced him to close down the company and return to his father's company on a full-time basis.
Peter has developed over 250 websites for either himself or outside clients, and has succeeded in every search engine optimization task he's ever set out to achieve without ever one violating Google's published webmaster guidelines.
Egan is poised to assume his father's role as CEO of EGAN Home Health and Hospice when his father retires, and us currently seeking his own replacement that he can began training immediately.
Peter's personal website is