Ivy Rockhead


Web Design, SEO, Social Media & Branding

 Ivy Rockhead is a divorced mother of three with a degree in Accounting and a love for Web Design, Social Media, SEO, and assisting small businesses with getting their start-ups off the ground or providing affordable services to keep things moving. 
Ivy Rockhead founded Frugal Diva Designz in the fall of 2011 after trying her hands at a different ways of earning additional income to take care of her family after being divorced for nearly 7 months. Affiliate marketing was the avenue that opened up her passion for web design. Building a website in a Blogazine format to promote the products and services of companies sparked creativity and further research on designing websites. Ivy enjoyed this experience so much, she immediately purchased a domain and began to build her own Web Design company.

Upon comparison to other designers in the same category, Ivy realized that there were an abundance of services in addition to web design that she could offer clients to add value and content to their websites as well as services to assist them with their SEO, Social Media, and Marketing efforts. To increase her education in these areas she started a Twitter account and began to follow and engage with experts and bloggers in those fields. She found that Social Media was not only a way to create a network by building relationships and to market your products or services, but a fantastic educational tool. An abundance of links to articles, tutorials, Webinars, and websites are shared on these networks and she took the time to read as many as possible while taking notes in the process and putting some things into action right away.

The first thing was to create a mission statement that would keep her focused on her goals, stay true to her pricing system, and drive her toward her philanthropic efforts of giving back. Frugal Diva Designz donates a portion of all revenues toward the three causes she feels most strongly about which is AIDS Awareness & Prevention, Cancer Research, and Green Living {Save the Planet}. Her life-long goal to be able to build schools, provide clean water, medical facilities, and solar-powered homes, buildings, and educational facilities drives her and helps her to stay patient throughout the process of starting a new company.

Next, coming up with a great list of services was on the agenda that Frugal Diva Designz could provide at affordable yet competitive rates. This process was tedious and well worth the effort as she has created up to 50 services and packages for those seeking simple Web Design services, small services like HTML coding, Content Writing & Management, Elegant & Chic Email Signatures, PowerPoint Presentations, branded Excel Spreadsheets & invoices, PDF guides {pricing, welcome-guides, training, white-papers, etc.} , form-design, branding, social media solutions and Search Engine Optimization services. SEO was added after Ivy discovered that she was doing exceptionally well at getting listed highly on search engines and dropping her Alexa ranking from 7,158,371 on March 6, 2012 to 1,886,174 as of May 23rd 2012. The drop of 5,272,197 points within roughly two and a half months has not only confirmed Ivy's efforts and education gained from in-depth research and her "Twitter Education" as she calls it.

After the launch of her 2nd website, Frugal Diva Templates. Frugal Diva Templates was purchased for more web design and site options which included a fantastic SEO system. The design software and company utilized for the new website generated an increase in traffic which topped her original website Frugal Diva Designz. Her ranking for the new site dropped from 7,891,453 on March 6, 2012 to 1,385,584 as of May 23rd 2012 which was a reduction of 5,505,869 points within roughly two and a half months. That is an average of 5,389.033 points between the two websites that has been dropped which Ivy thinks is awesome since her rate is dropping lower than some of her competitors who has been in business longer. Her new skill has brought in a few clients who feels that the company can assist with their rankings as well.

Ivy is looking forward to the growth of her education and assisting woman and small businesses gain success at rates they can afford. Newly implemented customer groups were added to the company's pricing system to encourage start-up's to outsource their services, save, and have more time to focus on marketing efforts on Social Media and other important tasks that they may need to get caught up on.

Frugal Diva Designz now has the following partnerships {3dcart, Voluision, Miiduu, Constant Contact, Vista Print} and looks forward to joining more companies that provide services or products that her clients will benefit from. She is gaining clientele slowly but surely but is determined and optimistic about future endeavors. Ivy has included Free Training via chat, screen-sharing, or web cam for clients to learn how to maintain and add value to their own eCommerce, Flash, or HTML 5 websites among some of the other fantastic freebies she provides to ensure her clients are successful.

For more information and affordable small business and web design services visit: http://www.frugaldivadesignz.com
Ivy Rockhead
Web Design, SEO, Social Media & Branding
Frugal Diva Designz




Bridgeport, Connecticut
United States

Areas of Expertise:
Social Media
Business Development
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