Kemila Zsange
“ Kemila Zsange Hypnotherapy & Counselling in Vancouver, BC, Canada offers services in person and via skype for Weight Loss, Stress Reduction, Performance Anxiety, Phobia and Past Life Regression. ”
After exploring the world at an earlier age, Kemila found people all over the world are fundamentally the same, despite different languages, skin colours, foods, traditions and customs. In search for the Truth, Kemila then started to get more and more interested in exploring "the universe within" - our minds. After reading many fascinating books about consciousness and subconscious mind, she went to see a hypnotherapist.
This idea "I can do this too" didn't want to let go of her until she signed up for a "Foundation in Hypnotherapy" course, followed by a year long certification course for "Master of Clinical Hypnotherapy", which led to another year of "Counselling Hypnotherapy" course, from which she received her diploma.
Kemila feels she has done hypnotherapy for over 500 years.