Beth Sanders
Founder & CEO
“ Beth Sanders is the founder and CEO of LifeBio and the author of the Memory Journal and other materials that help people capture life stories. Beth has over 20 years of sales and marketing experience in high growth startups. ”
Beth Sanders created LifeBio, a company that has helped thousands of people to capture life stories. She was inspired by her own grandmother’s life story--her grandmother faced both diabetes and dementia. was the first online biography tool, making it easy for anyone to record his or her own life stories for themselves or for family and friends.
Beth created materials to bring reminiscence tools (on the web and physical journals) to consumers and she also began working with senior living, health care, adult day care, hospitals, senior services agencies, and senior center settings across the U.S. and Canada. LifeBio serves over 100 organizations today and thousands of individuals or families. Beth is a frequent speaker for health care and care providers.
After completing her BA in English and journalism (with a minor in education) from Otterbein College, Beth’s career began in computer sales from 1991 until 2005, serving Fortune 500 and mid-size companies across the U.S. She began LifeBio in her basement in the year 2000. Beth has presented at the International Council on Active Aging, the American Society on Aging, AOPHA (non-profit homes and services in Ohio), the Pioneer Network, PHCA (Pennsylvania Health Care Association), VAAP (Virginia Association of Activity Professionals), and at the Life Care Services national symposium.