Henry Grace


Machine Tool Financing

 Henry Grace has been a trusted leader in Machine Tool Financing since 19i88. As one of America's recognized experts in Machine Tool Financing, he has developed application only programs up to $350,000 for most brands of machine tools. 
Henry Grace
Since 1988, Henry Grace has been considered an expert in Machine Tool Financing by many in the industry. With nearly 30 years in the industry, Henry and his company have been approving millions of dollars in new and used machine tools for various types of credits.

As one of America's most trusted leaders in Machine Tool Financing, Henry has developed "application-only" programs up to $350,000 for many known brands of machine tools. Working with most types of industries and most types of credits he has been able to approve all types of companies from the small "mom & pop" shops tolarge multi-national corporations.

With programs such and refinancing, sale-leasebacks, new and used financing, operating leasing, finance loans, skip payments, seasonal payments, step up payments and even rentals, Henry certainly has a program for your Machine Tool Financing needs.

If your company is looking to buy a new or used machine and would like to discuss Machine Tool Financing options, you would do well to contact Henry Grace today.
Henry Grace
Machine Tool Financing
Machine Tool Financing



3001 Bethel Road
Suite 108
Columbus, Ohio
United States

Areas of Expertise:
Machine Tool Finance
Equipment Finance
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