Paula Andrea Pyle, MA
“ BS in Communication MA in Art Education currently pursuing a Ph.D in Psychology. Executive MODE of Cosmic Therapy Therapist, Esoteric Psychologist and Psycho-analyst, artist, author, entertainer, motivational speaker, teacher, singer/songwriter, perfumer. ”
Proud Native Born, Bred, and Resident of North Carolina, married 41 spectacular years, 6 children, 11 grandchildren.
Passionate about love, living, laughter, liberty, learning, listening, loosening up, lounging, lunch, liveliness, literacy, lip stick, letting my hair down, leaping, leaning, libido, language, looking, lucidity, letters, light, lifting, linking, looking, lodging, luxury, loyalty, lemons and lyrics.
BS in Communication MA in Art Education currently pursuing a Ph.D in Educational Psychology. Executive MODE of Cosmic Therapy Therapist, Esoteric Psychologist, Esoteric Sexual Psycho-analyst, artist, author, entertainer, motivational speaker, teacher, singer/songwriter, perfumer, dream interpreter, musician, composer, playwright, professional astrologer, Tarot, I Ching consultant, numerologist, poet and self-taught chef. Avid student of life and lover of humanity.
Author: Just Around The Corner: Amazon, MODE of Cosmic Therapy Esoteric Astrological Houses E-Book, Author: Most recent 'crime and mystery' novel, "Simon Says", (chapter by chapter) available on:
Founder/C.E.O. Innovator, Executive Director Innovator/Examiner/Esoteric Arts' Instructor Entertainer/Professional Motivational Speaker: Mode of Cosmic Therapy
Esoteric Psychological Therapist, Professional Esoteric Astrologer/Numerologist/Dream Analyst
MODE Esoteric Psychological Relationship Therapy, Esoteric Arts and Science Instruction:
Creator/ Host Mode of Cosmic Therapy Hour Television Series
Offering FREE monthly Email O Gram:
Executive Creator/Perfumer of Zabania Perfume
Member of BMI
Lamp Magic Publishing
Master Sound Records
Online Art Gallery
Online Music Directory
MODE of Cosmic Therapy Artwork:
MODE of Cosmic Therapy (Mysticism, Occultism, Divination, Essoteric) Sessions
Featured writer: Ezine, Triond, Assoicated Content, Mint, Search Warp ,Article Alley, Helium, Go Articles, Examiner, Hubpages and many many more.