Mark Myers


 Mark provides comprehensive mental health and substance abuse services for Adults, Adolescents, and Children. His is office is located in Crystal Lake Illinois. 
Mark Myers received his master of Social Work Degree from Loyola University. He has been practicing in the helping profession for over 20 years. He is an Illinois Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Certified Alcohol and Other Drug Counselor. Mark provides counseling to individuals, couples, children and adolescents for a variety of areas including: drug and alcohol abuse, parenting issues, marital concerns, depression, anxiety, and anger management. He presents workshops and consultations to mental health professionals and the community. He has offered lectures in the following areas: substance abuse, anger management, communication skills, stress management, general wellness, and steroid abuse.
Professional orientation:
His professional approach focuses on behavior and thought. Mark uses strategies to enhance problem solving skills, communication, and coping skills. research supports there is a strong relationship between our thoughts and our emotions. By understanding and becoming more aware of this relationship, individuals will be able to redirect unproductive thought and behavioral patterns. Mark also encourages tapping into our own resources using handouts, readings, and therapeutic exercises. He works in partnership with individuals to change behaviors and thoughts. This allows individuals to continue to grow even after therapy ends.
Mark has provided numerous presentations to schools, business professionals, and community members. He has offered lectures in the following areas: substance abuse, anger management, communication skills, stress management, general wellness, and steroid abuse. He has also consulted to school districts, hospitals, corporations and agencies in various capacities.
Mark Myers
Myers Counseling Group



300 Memorial drive, suite 200
Crystal Lake, Illinois
United States

Areas of Expertise:
Mental Health
substance abuse
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