Vic Levinson
“ For over 20 years, Vic Levinson has been providing communications and IT solutions for small and medium business enterprises. Vic Levinson's fields of exptertise are in communications and IT solutions for small and medium enterprises. ”

For over 20 years, Vic Levinson has been providing communications and IT solutions for small and medium business enterprises. The dictionary of three and four letter acronyms has grown considerably as technology advances. Vic's mission has been to provide accurate and timely interpretations of how these developments can be of service to businesses- how the available technologies can increase productivity, decrease costs and improve customer experiences. As the economic climate changes, businesses require a trusted advisor to assist them in making informed, timely and effective communications decisions. Prime Telecommunications has established an elite force of veteran telecommunications professionals- whose relationships with clients remain constant. Authorized Business Partners with both Avaya and Allworx equipment solutions for on site systems, Prime Telecommunications works closely with S-NET Communications for Hosted Virtual Phone Services and represents all major carriers of telecom and data circuits. Prime's cloud services are provided by CBeyond, Latisys, Windstream and CenturyLink/Savvis. Visit our website at and check out our video library for information on cloud, network security and bring your own device (BYOD).