Batyrkhan Rozumny Shah

Filmmaker and Producer


 Batyrkhan Rozumny Shah is a filmmaker and producer from Central Asia. He had success in making films in many productions before, and now he's the associate producer in Prince Oakleyski Eurasia organization. 
Batyrkhan Rozumny Shah is currently a filmmaker and producer from Central Asia but migrated to Southeast Asia to buy some houses for production there. He had success in making films in many productions before, and now he's the associate producer in Prince Oakleyski Eurasia organization. Batyrkhan can be a collaborative film director as well. He has tons of experience in many movie genres. He didn't tend to reveal most of his background information due to his preference in being a private person. Anyhow, Batyrkhan Rozumny Shah has ensured that his qualities of filmmaking techniques and quantities of various camera lenses, camcorders, Polaroids et cetera are squared with universal standard filming.
Batyrkhan Rozumny Shah
Filmmaker and Producer
Prince Oakleyski Eurasia


Areas of Expertise:
Budget management
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