Steve William Manion
“ Steve Manion graduated at the top of his class Magna Cum Laude, with an emphasis on finance, history and music. He began his professional career as a Real Estate Broker in 1986, and later became a premier equity risk analyst, with clients worldwide. ”
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Steve is an innovator and talented Renaissance man in the modern era. Primarily a financial consultant for over 30 years, spanning the gamut from real estate sales and lending to developing successful traders in highly leveraged markets all over the world, Steve's focus is on what is best for the client. Taking advantage of technology, Steve continually develops new methodologies to deliver valuable information to his clients that are always one step ahead of the pack. The examples are too numerous to list, but one to mention is before there was an internet as we know it, Steve developed technology to deliver real estate market data from his server at home to a client's computer Steve set up in the client's home. Along with video images provided to the client, the client could preview homes without having to leave the comfort of their home. Sound familiar? The year? 1990. About the same time Steve developed loan processing programs - commonplace today, unheard of then.
An expert in risk management and trading financial markets with near perfect performance, Steve has written trading programs to determine and profitably trade the markets. Understanding the nature of the markets and risk, he got all of his clients out of the market in 2007 before the crash, and had them all re-invested in 2009.
As the magnitude of the disaster began to unfold, Steve began to act as a consultant to law firms to assist them with cases to help homeowners broadsided by the collapse. Already a lifelong expert in real estate, Steve broadened his expertise to the substantive matters concerning mortgage litigation.
This led Steve into submitting a patent application, which is now pending, for a software and mathematical analysis system he developed that 'scores' a prospective real estate transaction. Once again, Steve is at the forefront, using technology to help a buyer objectively determine their risk. It is similar to a credit score, but the difference is it is a tool exclusively to help the buyer and not the bank.
Steve believes it is better to make the right decision at the right time, which is why his real estate scoring system is an invention whose time has come.