Scott G. Erickson


 Scott G. Erickson is a nonprofit executive, policy analyst, and law enforcement professional with over 18 years of experience in police work. He holds a Master of Science degree in Criminal Justice Studies from the University of Cincinnati. 
Scott G. Erickson is a conservative writer, policy analyst, and law enforcement professional with over 18 years of experience in police work. He holds a Master of Science degree in Criminal Justice Studies from the University of Cincinnati.

In 2015, Scott founded Americans in Support of Law Enforcement, a pro-law enforcement nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing the issues most relevant to the broader law enforcement community. He currently serves as the organization's President and Executive Director.

In addition to his law enforcement duties, Scott has collaborated extensively with the nation’s foremost conservative think tank, The Heritage Foundation. Frequently contributing to Heritage’s blog, The Daily Signal, Scott has focused on myriad issues of national security including foreign terrorist organizations, law enforcement, and missile defense.

He has co-authored several reports at Heritage: A Comprehensive Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) System Requires Action; Changing Today’s Law Enforcement Culture to Face 21st-Century Threats; and Lessons from Benghazi: Investigation Leaves Important Questions Unanswered.

Additionally, Scott’s writing has been featured in The Washington Times,, The Orange County Register, and other publications. He has also been quoted in major media outlets, including the New York Times, on national security and law enforcement issues.

A frequent guest on television and radio programs, Scott has appeared on Fox News, One America News Network, the Dana Loesch Show, and others, and he has lectured at campuses throughout the nation covering a variety of public policy issues including the police use of force, the militarization of law enforcement, and others. .

In 2013, Scott was named as one of the Republican National Committee's Rising Stars and his profile was recently featured in USA Today.
Scott G. Erickson
Americans in Support of Law Enforcement


460 Brannan Street #78254
San Francisco, California
United States

Areas of Expertise:
Law Enforcement
Homeland security
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