Julie I. Moore
“ Julie I. Moore is a Marriage & Family Therapist from California who runs a private practice in Miami Beach, FL. She specializes in trauma, marriage counseling, and dream analysis. Julie is a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams. ”
Julie I. Moore is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in both Florida and
California. She completed her Master of Science degree in Marital and Family Therapy
in 2004 from Loma Linda University. Julie was in a select group of students who was chosen to work at Loma Linda University's Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic. For two years, she treated couples, individuals, children, and families.
During her time in graduate school, Julie was recognized for her excellent academic and
clinical skills and won the following awards:
June, 2004
The Outstanding Masters Student
Loma Linda University Department of Counseling and Family Sciences
January, 2004
Intern/Trainee of the Year, 2003
Loma Linda University Marriage & Family Therapy Clinic
Julie developed a love of Gestalt Therapy during her time at Loma Linda University, as it coincided with her belief in the need to reach deeper into both emotions as well as thoughts in order to facilitate a deeper change within a person. The focus of Julie's final master's project was on Gestalt Therapy, and Julie chose to receive an additional year of training in Gestalt Therapy from the renowned Los Angeles group, Gestalt Associates Training of Los Angeles.
Julie received additional training in Emotionally-Focused Therapy for Couples at Loma
Linda University, which has been proven to be highly effective in improving couple
After graduate school, Julie worked for a year with severely emotionally disturbed
children and their families at River Oak Center for Children in Sacramento, California.
She treated children in a Wraparound program with severe challenges such as suicidal
impulses, cutting, disruptive behavior, cognitive delays, attachment disorders and
sexualized behaviors. This program provided highly intensive services in conjunction
with the county, and Julie not only worked one-on-one with these children, but provided
family therapy to their nuclear and extended families.
Julie then moved to Los Angeles, where she worked for three years in an outpatient
clinic at San Fernando Valley Community Mental Health Center. She continued to treat
children and their families. She further developed her play therapy skills while there,
and was known for her ability to bring creativity into the therapy session that facilitated
expression and healing to her clients and their families.
Julie received additional training in Los Angeles that focused on healing children who
have endured severe trauma in their young lives. She became proficient in Trauma-
Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for victims of trauma and sexual abuse. She
was trained in in Play Therapy skills for victims of sexual abuse. Finally, she received extra training in treating severe anxiety disorders such as phobias and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Now Julie has taken her passion to South Florida, where she runs a private practice in
Miami Beach. She is now focusing on her lifetime interest, dream work. Julie became interested in dreams at the age of 12 when she had a pre-cognitive dream. This continued to happen at various times in her life, which drove her to intensely study dreams.
Julie's therapeutic training, especially in Gestalt methods, taught her the power of using dreams not only as guides in one's life but as a way to create change in a person's way of being. She has developed powerful therapeutic skills that bring a better understanding of the symbols of one's dreams, as well as aid to free one's self from fears and underlying limiting beliefs. Julie has found that dreams are expressively powerful, symbolically rich, and very spiritual. For this reason, she makes it her life's mission to share what she has discovered: Dreams are symbolic guides that lead us to a much more fulfilling reality. In essence, dreams can make reality come alive.
Julie is a member of the professional organization, The International Association for
the Study of Dreams, where she both learns and shares knowledge with other dream workers. In addition to her private practice, she provides dream groups on a weekly basis, where people come to talk about and explore their dreams with Julie in a group setting.