Mony Dojeiji and Alberto Agraso

Author, Publisher

 Mony formalized her studies with an MBA and, for 10 years, pursued a lucrative career in the software industry. In 2001, she abandoned it to embark on a search for self. Her personal quests would lead her to a most unexpected destination: her inner self. 
Alberto Agraso, originally from Cadiz, Spain, was Mony's walking partner. A naturally gifted artist and sculptor, he set aside his innate abilities to follow the socially-acceptable path of working in the insurance industry. Family and cultural pressures kept him there for many years until his personal “dark night of the soul” impelled him to seek a more fulfilling path. His explorations would eventually lead him to the Camino (Path of St. James) in northern Spain, where he would fatefully meet Mony and her plans to walk 5000 kilometers for peace.
Mony Dojeiji and Alberto Agraso
Author, Publisher
Walking for Peace Publishing



Ottawa, Ontario

Areas of Expertise:
Inner Journeys
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