Caro Eardley

Author and owner

 Scottish-born and South African-based author, Caro Eardley, spent three years developing the Win At Sudoku method and another year writing the book. Her logical skills, bolstered her belief that there just had to be way to win at this infuriating game. 
Caro Eardley
Scottish-born and South African-based author, Caro Eardley, spent three years developing the Win At Sudoku method and another year writing the book.

Her logical skills, honed during a 20-year career as an international computer consultant bolstered her belief that there just had to be way - a Simple and an Easy Way – to win at this infuriating game. So – she is stubborn like a megamule and prefers to do things Her Way - she just persevered in applying logic and organisation, combined with intense observation of how the numbers behaved, until she reached her goal: Winning Consistently!

Eardley was also determined to avoid scary mathematical terminology – many people simply shut down when stuff like Finned X-wings, Gordian Polygons and Turbot Fish were mentioned! She certainly falls into this camp: her brain goes into freefall at the mere mention of ‘N-1 possibilities’!

She was also motivated by the scale of fellow addict’s – and their partner’s and family’s –suffering. Over 14,500 internet searches for help with Sudoku were logged in November 2010 alone…

Eardley still doesn't get every puzzle right first time - hey nobody's perfect - but she always wins in the end! And she still loves playing the game…which is very important to her/ She’d never knowingly do anything to spoil the hours of fun to be had with this apparently simple, cunningly deceptive, and utterly addictive game.
Caro Eardley
Author and owner
Win At Sudoku


+27 28 254 9807

+27 86 562-5072

PO Box 2596, Saxonwold

Johannesburg, Gauteng
South Africa

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