Diana Navarro


 Intuitive Consultant on Lifestyle and Social Manners, Inspirational Speaker, Standard Jazz Vocalist, Animal Lover, Writer/Blogger, Yoga Practitioner, Paranormal-ista and Evolving Human... 
Diana Navarro, M.S., is a natural Psychic Empath. She experienced own dark night of the soul and spiritual crisis. This led to a psychic opening that allowed her to not only embrace her gift as an Empath (a spiritual sensitive) but to use it all to provide information and healing to others. She provides a new brand of compassionate but honest, raw and humorous Intuitive Lifestyle Consultations, Commentary, Spiritual Coaching, Storytelling, Broadcasts, Performances, Writings, and Inspiration.

She has a Bachelor's in General Psychology, Master's of Science Degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, studied three additional years at the doctoral level conducting research on Environmental Psychology and independent spiritual inquiry. Diana is a natural at bringing joy, light and inspiration to all around her. In addition to thousands of personal and celebrity clients, she also worked with corporate clients that include Estee Lauder, Time-Warner, Macy's, Progressive Insurance and Skanska Construction Group. She works from New York City but her work is available to the world.
Diana Navarro
This is Diana



New York City, New York
United States

Areas of Expertise:
Lifestyle Consults
Professional Speaker
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