Erika Arconti
Pole Fitness Instructor
“ I'm a school teacher, and by night a pole fitness instructor. I got into pole dancing to build my self-esteem and fuel my love for dancing. I've trained at several schools in CT and in NYC and continue to take classes to challenge myself.
My name is Erika and I grew up in the small town of Brookfield, CT. I was never part of the "in" crowd due to my love and passion for the fine arts. My areas of expertise are urban, multicultural, and feminine studies. By day, I'm a school teacher, and by night have a passion for the pole. I got into pole dancing to do something "different" to build my self-esteem that involved my love for dancing. I've been diagnosed with an auto-immune disease and since have been on and off Prednisone (Steroids). The drug wore me to the ground both physically and mentally. I started pole dancing in December 2009 and been progressing quickly with the instruction by Michelle Abbruzzese(Owner). I've had training in several schools in CT and in NYC and continue to challenge myself.
Pole dancing is an amazing way to connect the mind and body. I love pole dancing because it is a way to enjoy my own power both physically and emotionally. The physical strength it takes to really connect to the movement, and the mental strength it takes to let go of your control and just be in the moment.
9 Things About Erika:
1. What inspires you?
My students (alias "my little creatures" :P). They all are from different worlds, full of love, energy, passion and confusion at the same time. There hasn't been a day that I didn't think what I could do to make their lives and learning better because they make me be a more creative, patient, understanding, loving and caring person.
It also inspires me to be able to use my talents to help others. It doesn't always pay the bills, but it inspires me. Learning something new inspires me. Whether it is a new skill I learn, or just a new fact, it inspires me. Standing on top of a skyscaper, experiencing the view inspires me.
2. What is your most outstanding characteristic?
Simply said, my dedication and motivation.
3. What is the best piece of advice you've ever received?
Other than my father's voice in my head saying with the finger pointing, "Nothing stupid!", but to persevere and get right back up.
4. What three words best describe you?
Enthusiastic, Creative, and Passionate
5. What's your favorite guilty pleasure?
Tiramisu with extra anisette in the espresso.
6. What fitness advice can you offer to others?
Advice I have for others is be consistent with your workout, but to also take time to relax. It's important to warm up before any strenuous exercise and cool down.
7. What is something that others may not know about you?
In middle school, I used to be a gothic/punk chick, pink hair and all, and played guitar in an all girl band.
8. What role has fitness played in your life?
Being an athlete my whole life and wearing basketball shorts, I never thought I would get into dance. Fitness in general has been a release for myself because I've been through a lot of challenges in my life both physically and mentally. Pole dancing was a revelation I had to build my self-esteem and become the old me.
9. Why should people come take your class?
Pole dance is purely to make you feel good about yourself and see results in your body and overall attitude. So why not! You will let your hair down, have fun, be confident and show off your curves and sensual side! By the end of each class you will feel more empowered as a woman and feel as if you can conquer the world.